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What Is An Overbite, And Why Is It Necessary To Correct It?

When people hear the term "overjet," they often confuse it with "overbite." While it's unclear why some people develop an overbite, it's a typical orthodontic condition. 

Fixing your overbite, or any other type of malocclusion, will not only improve the appearance of your smile but will also improve your overall oral health. That is why, thanks to new technology, the Best Orthodontist in Melbourne will give you the confidence to smile both during and after your teeth straightening.

Some people are born with a jaw that is too big or too small for their teeth, resulting in crowding, massive gaps, and more. Genetics play a key part here, so you needed to consult with an Orthodontist in Melbourne for an overbite.

What Is An Overbite, Exactly?

The overlapping of upper teeth in respect to lower teeth is known as an overbite. This malocclusion can be genetic, but it can also be caused by excessive thumb-sucking, prolonged use of a pacifier, or a bottle.

Different Types Of Overbite

# Malocclusion neutrocclusion - This is the most prevalent type of misalignment, in which the upper teeth move ahead of the lower teeth, but the bite remains regular.

# Malocclusion distocclusion - When the upper jaw and teeth overlap the lower jaw and teeth more severely. The terms "buck teeth" and "overjet" are frequently used to describe a type of bite problem.

What Will Happen If I Don't Take Care Of It?

An overbite, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems. These include irreversible tooth damage and possible jaw pain, as well as temporomandibular joint issues and other overbite complications, such as:

  • Cavities, gum disease, and eroded tooth enamel are all examples of tooth decay.
  • Jaw ache
  • Severe headaches
  • Pain or discomfort while eating The inability to open or close the mouth fully
  • Apnea (sleep deprivation)
  • Speaking in a difficult manner

What Is The Best Way To Treat And Correct An Overbite?

In most cases, a dentist will send an overbite patient to an Orthodontist in Melbourne for treatment. Because a child's jaw is still in the formative stages, they are easier to treat in children. Crowding of teeth is the most common problem in children's and teenagers' mouths. The absence of early treatment for many individuals with an overbite problem has resulted in the more severe symptoms associated with overbites.

Make an appointment with your Best Orthodontist in Melbourne for treatment if your overbite is giving you problems. In any case, the best method to avoid dental problems in both children and adults is to see a dentist early and often. It is suggested that youngsters have a checkup by the age of seven to detect an overbite. Adults should see a dentist every six to twelve months to guarantee early management and avoid an untreated overbite's potentially serious physical consequences.

Summing up,

Orthodontic treatment is an excellent approach to address an overbite, whether horizontal or vertical. An orthodontist in Melbourne will work to improve your smile by aligning your teeth and promoting proper facial development. There are several strategies to overcome an overbite, and one of the most effective is to visit a Best Orthodontist Melbourne professional who can better assess your overbite.

Source Content: What Is An Overbite, And Why Is It Necessary To Correct It?


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