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Showing posts from September, 2021

What Is An Overbite, And Why Is It Necessary To Correct It?

When people hear the term "overjet," they often confuse it with "overbite." While it's unclear why some people develop an overbite, it's a typical orthodontic condition.  Fixing your overbite, or any other type of malocclusion, will not only improve the appearance of your smile but will also improve your overall oral health. That is why, thanks to new technology, the Best Orthodontist in Melbourne  will give you the confidence to smile both during and after your teeth straightening. Some people are born with a jaw that is too big or too small for their teeth, resulting in crowding, massive gaps, and more. Genetics play a key part here, so you needed to consult with an Orthodontist in Melbourne for an overbite. What Is An Overbite, Exactly? The overlapping of upper teeth in respect to lower teeth is known as an overbite. This malocclusion can be genetic, but it can also be caused by excessive thumb-sucking, prolonged use of a pacifier, or a bottle. Dif...